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Call us: (303) 330-2458

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Transform the 25% that isn’t great, and watch your entire world get better.

Leadership Coaching to unlock your potential.

As a Business Leadership Coach, Don Scott specializes in helping:

  • CEOs

    Don Scott works with CEOs and other C-suite executives to provide them with a significant change in perspective. He guides them through exercises designed to improve clarity, inner peace, communication, and self-awareness to help them make better decisions, while experiencing a more meaning and purpose.

  • Family Businesses

    Don Scott works with family business owners to root out misalignments in all areas of their unique operation. His analysis and coaching lead to improved morale, relationships, and family dynamics, while providing strategic direction for business growth and succession planning.

  • Gen Y

    Don Scott works with Gen Y to assess the progress they’ve made so far--and where they’d like to go. Millennials have shown themselves to be idealistic, empathic, and ambitious. Yet many suffer needlessly from struggle and pain in their personal lives and careers. Speaking with Don can help sort out the obstacles preventing the solutions.

Why Work With Don Scott?

Regardless of your personal situation, dramatic and lasting change is possible. Don Scott’s approach is formulated by 35 years of business experience and a Master’s degree in psychology. Business leadership coaching is a personal investment that relies on analysis, exercises, and strategies to produce meaningful change in your life. You will experience:

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Peace of Mind

Less Stress

Unlock Potential

Discover Unforeseen Opportunity

Better Decision-Making

Increased Productivity

Greater Success

Client Testimonials

  • CEOs

    “Don Scott and I have been working on a number of items, most notably managing my stress; which has changed the outcome on closing deals, finishing software projects, improving my family relationships and managing cash flow; the latter being the most stressful thing I have been dealing with over the past several years.”

  • Rocket Fit photo

    Family Businesses

    “Things are in great shape all around for the family and the businesses. Not sweating the small stuff and taking advantage of TIME in a more meaningful way.”

  • Rocket Fit photo

    Gen Y

    “Up until our conversation, I had been dancing around this. What an incredible step forward! You changed my life; more specifically, you enriched my soul's experience in life by telling my soul it is okay to want this. Don Scott is incredibly talented.”

Contact Us

Working with Don Scott is a personal investment for improving your life—at work, and at home. The results will be a meaningful payoff for your commitment to self-improvement. Are you ready to reclaim your full potential? Contact me, and let’s see if I can help.

About Don Scott

Don Scott is a veteran executive, having spent 35 years in business and finance. He was a partner with Arthur Andersen, an office managing director for a national trust company, and held C-suite positions with an oil and gas company. He also holds a Master's degree in psychology, which helps him better assess your coaching needs.

Don’s professional coaching follows a very personalized process that analyzes your strengths, weaknesses, potential for growth, and areas for improvement. Don holds clients accountable with workable action plans designed to produce measurable results.

Don’s approach is genuine, thoughtful, engaged, and compassionate. The business leadership coaching he provides is designed to inspire transformational change.


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