How To Not Be Too BusyMy next video explores how you can “be,” fundamentally, in a way that enables you to find open space in your own calendar and life.
Stop Doing It BackwardsThis video is meant to get you thinking, and the big question is: Where are you creating from? Which version of you is creating?
Leading in Times of UncertaintyStep back and look at how you’re doing as a leader. Look at how much you are focused on being a great leader vs. a doer or manager.
Deciding Is Step OneAsk yourself: From where I sit right now, what more is there for me? What if you had 20% more free time? What if everything was just 20% easier?
Not How To, Want To It’s never “how to.” You must start with a "high want.” Without a high want, you’ll never get to commitment, but with a strong commitment, you can do anything.
Allowing ClarityWhen you can find your own curiosity—and even a certain humility—and when that gives rise to a thirst for more, you can begin to grow beyond your old limitations.