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Interviews and Articles


Don Scott


To the extent you can learn to truly love yourself, the problem starts to go away. The opportunity is inside. Yes, learn how to be with yourself. Learn how to love yourself inherently. Everything you want that is outside of you becomes just that. A “want” rather than a “need”. From that place, you are ready to have it all show up for you.

I had the pleasure to interview Don Scott, The Business Leader Coach, working with business owners, executives, high-net-worth families, and their adult children. For more than 35 years, Don has advised clients, first through his role as an Arthur Andersen partner and then as a leader of a major trust company. Unique is the combination of his robust business and financial experience, combined with a master’s degree in psychology. He has worked with millionaires, billionaires, and many others to transform their lives and everything they touch.
Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you hope that they might help people along their path to self-understanding or a better sense of wellbeing in their relationships?
I am writing a book for young adults, and their families. The 26-year-old who hasn’t found his or her path, as an easy example. My book gets to the core of what hasn’t worked. What needs to change. And, importantly, not only with the “kid”, but with the family. Those loving parents who support him and who have agonized over his struggles. It is all about healing relationships, primarily with Self, and moving forward.

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